The role of monasteries in the colonization of Sloboda Ukraine (the second half of the 17 th century)

  • Mykola Yatsiuk


The role of Orthodox monasteries in the colonization of Sloboda Ukraine is explored.
Political and religious factors of monastic colonization are proved. The specific features of
life-sustaining activities of Sloboda monasteries under the conditions of Sloboda Ukraine’s
autonomy in the second half of 17 th century are analyzed. The degree of influence and interaction
of Orthodox monastery and secular factors under the conditions of Ukrainian colonization of the
Wild Fields is considered. Importance of Orthodox monasteries in spiritual, religious and secular
life during the Ukrainian colonization of the Wild Fields is shown. Sloboda Ukraine Orthodox
monasteries were the principal defining factor of gradual colonization of the Wild Fields.
Reasons for structural and administrative dualism in subordination of Orthodox monasteries  and parishes of Sloboda Ukraine in the second half of 17 th century are considered. Attempts
of the Moscow government and the Moscow church to influence and control the process of
Ukrainian colonization of Wild Fields in the second half of 17 th century are shown.
Keywords: colonization, monasteries, Orthodox church, desert, Sloboda Ukraine,
Christianity, church
