Philosophical and religious dimensions of cosmism art of Olaf Stapledon: between philosophy, religion and myth

  • Anatoliy Tshedrin


It is proved that Olaf Stapledon’s work is a phenomenon of cosmic philosophy, an indicator
of transformations of the universe of culture in the Art Nouveau period. It is shown that by
Stapledon the Universe is not just chaotic accumulation of matter in all its forms but the or-
ganization of its forms that is integrated throughout by the omnipresent Spirit. Socio-cultural
contexts for formation of writer’s cosmism art are presented. Connection of his works with
processes in scientific, religious, esoteric world views is discovered. Specificity of «new reli-
gion», «cosmological theism», «cosmic pantheism» as indicators of process of mythologizing of
culture that has already spread in the period of postmodernism is disclosed. It is concluded that
the mythological component of writer’s works forecasted powerful processes of archaization
of the entire universe of culture, which unfolded at the beginning of 21 st century and acquired
the character of indicator of technological civilization crisis.
Keywords: Stapledon, universe of culture, Art Nouveau, philosophy, cosmism art, world
view, religious studies, new religion, «cosmological theism», «cosmic pantheism», theosophy,
Hindu cosmology, myth, archaization
